Lub zog loj Frp / Grp Mini Mesh Moulded Grating

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

Sinegrates @ Mesh Mould moulded grating yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau Fllor cov neeg taug kev uas yuav tsum tau cua ntws tsis ntau qhov. Qhov qhib tus nqi ntawm lub min-mesh mouled grating tsuas yog 1/9 piv nrog qhov qub 38mm square moulding grating grating. Tus nqi qhib me me tuaj yeem zam cov khoom saum 10 hli los ntawm kev poob tawm. Vim hais tias ntawm samaller qhov, min- mould mould grating ua raws li Ada thiab DDA cov qauv kev sib tw yog thov rau hauv cov rooj zaum muaj menyuam yaus thiab lub pob zeb nqa thiab ua luam dej thiab lwm thaj chaw ua luam dej.

Khoom Qhia Qhia

Khoom Ntawv

FRP / GRP NPEWILLIONS Resistant Quartz tiaj npog cov fiberglass moulded grating
FRP / GRP NPEWILLIONS Resistant Quartz tiaj npog cov fiberglass moulded grating
FRP / GRP NPEWILLIONS Resistant Quartz tiaj npog cov fiberglass moulded grating
FRP / GRP NPEWILLIONS Resistant Quartz tiaj npog cov fiberglass moulded grating
FRP / GRP NPEWILLIONS Resistant Quartz tiaj npog cov fiberglass moulded grating
(Mini) h38mm 6.5 / 5.0 19 * 19/38 * 38 1220 * 3660/1220 * 2440/1000 * 2000/1000 * 3000/1220 * 4038 23.5 30
(Mini)H25mm 6.5 / 5.0 20 * 20/40 * 40 1247 * 4047/1007 * 4047/1247 * 3007/127/1007/1007 * 3007/1007 * 2007 16.9 42
(Mini)H40MM 7.0 / 5. 5. 5. 5. 5.0 20 * 20/40 * 40 1247 * 4047/1007 * 4047/1247 * 3007/127/1007/1007 * 3007/1007 * 2007 23.8 42
H50mm 8.0 / 6.0 50 * 50 1220 * 3660/1220 * 2440/1000 * 2000/1000 * 3000 24 78
H50mm 7.2 / 5.0 50 * 50 1220 * 3600/1220 * 2440/1000 * 4000/1000 * 3000 21 78
Qhov tuab(hli) Bar thckness(Saum / hauv qab) Mesh qhov loj me (hli) Vaj huam sib luag qhov loj muaj (hli) Qho hnyav(kg / m²) Qhib tus nqi(%)
H13mm 6.0 / 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5.0 38 * 38 1220 * 3660/1220 * 4000/1220 * 2440/1000 * 3000 6.0 78
H14mm 6.0 / 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5.0 38 * 38 1220 * 3660/1220 * 4000/1220 * 2440/1000 * 3000 6.5 78
H15mm 6.0 / 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5.0 38 * 38 1220 * 3660/1220 * 4000/1220 * 2440/1000 * 3000 7.0 78
H20MM 6.0 / 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5.0 38 * 38 1220 * 3660/1220 * 2440/1000 * 2000/1000 * 3000/1220 * 4038 10 65
H 25mm 6.5 / 5.0 38 * 38 1220 * 3660/1220 * 2440/1000 * 2000/1000 * 3000/1220 * 4038 12.5 68
H 30 hli 6.5 / 5.0 38 * 38 1220 * 3660/1220 * 2440/1000 * 2000/1000 * 3000/1220 * 4038 14.8 68
H38mm 7.0 / 5. 5. 5. 5. 5.0 38 * 38 1220 * 3660/1220 * 2440/1000 * 2000/1000 * 3000/1000 * 4038/12000/1220 * 4920 19.5 68
H25mm 6.5 / 5.0 40 * 40 1007 * 3007/1247 * 4047/1007 * 4047/1007 * 2007/1207 * 3007 12.5 67
H40MM 7.0 / 5. 5. 5. 5. 5.0 40 * 40 1007 * 3007/1247 * 4047/1007 * 4047/1007 * 2007/1207 * 3007 19.8 67
H50mm 7.0 / 5. 5. 5. 5. 5.0 40 * 40 1007 * 3007/1247 * 4047/1007 * 4047/1007 * 2007/1207 * 3007 25.0 58
(Mini) h25mm 6.5 / 5.0 19 * 19/38 * 38 1220 * 3660/1220 * 2440/1000 * 2000/1000 * 3000/1220 * 4038 16.9 30
(Mini) H30mm 6.5 / 5.0 19 * 19/38 * 38 1220 * 3660/1220 * 2440/1000 * 2000/1000 * 3000/1220 * 4038 19 30

Tshooj pwm ua yeeb yam, thov nug peb.

SiniGrates @ FRP Moulded Grating:

Qho kaj

• rwb thaiv tsev

• Tshuaj lom neeg

• Hluav Taws Retardant

• Los tiv thaiv kom huv

• Kev yooj yim rau kev teeb tsa

• Tus nqi kho tus nqi qis

• UV kev tiv thaiv

• Dual lub zog


SiniGrates @ Frp Grating yog ib txhais tes nteg khaub ncaws uas tsis muaj kev sib cav sib ceg kev tsim khoom.

Lub g9
Tus pa g1

Moulded Fiberglass Grp Toping xaiv:

Cov ntug dej hiav txwv sab saum toj: Tsis muaj quartz sands rau ntawm concave lossis semi-Lunar Surfaces nyob rau hauv ntub dej, thiab yog ib hom ntawm cov yooj yim los tiv thaiv kev sib tsoo.


Quartz sands thaj chaw: tso quartz xuab zeb ntawm frp grating, cov solidified quartz xuab zeb, uas tuaj yeem muab cov teebmeem tiv thaiv sab saum toj -slip.

FRP Pultruded Grating Hluav Taws Retardant / Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv
FRP Pultruded Grating Hluav Taws Retardant / Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv
FRP Pultruded Grating Hluav Taws Retardant / Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv
FRP Pultruded Grating Hluav Taws Retardant / Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv

FRP Cov Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob:

Phenolico Resin (Hom P): Qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws rau cov ntawv thov uas xav tau Max Hluav Taws Xob thiab cov pa luam yeeb tsawg xws li cov roj av ntxiv, thiab hnrks.
Vinyl Ester (Hom V): withstand txoj kev siv tshuaj nruj ib puag ncig siv rau tshuaj, kev kho kom khib nyiab, thiab khoom siv cov nroj tsuag.
Isohothalic Resin (Hom I): Kev xaiv zoo rau kev thov cov khoom siv tshuaj txaws thiab nchuav me thiab nchuav yog qhov tshwm sim tshwm sim.
Khoom Noj Khoom Noj Qib Irophthalic Resin (Hom F): Qhov kev tsim nyog haum rau cov zaub mov thiab dej haus cov kev lag luam kev lag luam uas muaj tshwm sim rau cov chaw huv si.
Lub Hom Phiaj General Orthotheric Resin (Hom O): Kev xaiv nyiaj txiag rau Yas Ester thiab Ishothalic resins cov khoom lag luam.

Epoxy Resin (hom e):Muab cov khoom siv tau zoo heev thiab qaug zog ua kom tsis taus, noj qhov zoo ntawm lwm cov khoom ua haujlwm. Cov nqi pwm zoo ib yam li PE thiab ve, tab sis cov nqi khoom siv tau siab dua.

FRP Pultruded Grating Hluav Taws Retardant / Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv

Cov Khoom Lag Luam Kev Lag Luam:

The meticulous experimental equipment for FRP pultruded profiles and FRP molded gratings ,such as flexural tests,tensile tests,compression tests, and destructive tests. Raws li cov neeg siv khoom siv, peb yuav ua yeeb yam & kev ntsuas peev ntawm cov khoom lag luam frability, peb ib txwm tshawb nrhiav cov kev ntseeg tau tshiab nrog kev ntseeg tau ntawm Frp cov khoom ua haujlwm. Peb tuaj yeem ua kom ntseeg tau tias qhov zoo tuaj yeem txaus siab rau cov neeg siv khoom los cuam tshuam kom tsis txhob muaj teeb meem tom qab muag.

FRP Pultruded Grating Hluav Taws Retardant / Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv
FRP Pultruded Grating Hluav Taws Retardant / Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv
FRP Pultruded Grating Hluav Taws Retardant / Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv

Resins Cov Lus Qhia:

Resin Hom Resin kev xaiv Cov Khoom Siv Chemmical Kuj Hluav Taws Retardant (ASTM E84) Khoom Bespoke Xim Max ℃ temp
HOM P Phenol Tsis tshua muaj pa taws thiab hluav taws kub tsis kam Zoo heev Hoob 1, 5 lossis tsawg dua Moulded thiab pultruded Bespoke Xim 150 ℃
Hom V Tus ester ester Kev ua haujlwm zoo dua thiab hluav taws retardant Zoo tshaj Hoob 1, 25 lossis tsawg dua Moulded thiab pultruded Bespoke Xim 95 ℃
Ntaus i Isopharicic polyester Muaj Qib Industrial Resistance thiab Cov Hluav Taws Kub Retardant Zoo heev Hoob 1, 25 lossis tsawg dua Moulded thiab pultruded Bespoke Xim 85 ℃
Hom o Ortho Moderate Corrosion Ua Haujlwm thiab Hluav Taws Retardant Zoo li ib txwm Hoob 1, 25 lossis tsawg dua Moulded thiab pultruded Bespoke Xim 85 ℃
Hom F Isopharicic polyester Khoom Noj Khoom Haus Qib Crofosion Kuj thiab Hluav Taws Kub Retardant Zoo heev Chav kawm 2, 75 lossis tsawg dua Tuaj pwm Xim kas fes 85 ℃
HOM E Epoxy Zoo heev corrosion thiab hluav taws retardant Zoo tshaj Hoob 1, 25 lossis tsawg dua Pultruded Bespoke Xim 180 ℃

Bespoke XimRaws li cov chaw sib txawv thiab cov ntawv thov, xaiv cov resins sib txawv, peb kuj tseem tuaj yeem muab qee cov lus qhia!

Raws li cov ntawv thov, nws tuaj yeem hloov kho cov ntawv thov ib puag ncig:

Tus G16

• Walkways • Platforms • Kev Tiv Thaiv Tiv Thaiv

• Tsa cov plag tsev • Stairways • Kev ua haujlwm

• Khoom noj khoom haus & Dej Haus • Tubrog nkoj • Roj & Roj


• Pharmineutical • Metals & Tsuas • Pulp & Ntawv

• Ua Si • Cov chaw ua si chaw ua si hauv chaw ua si

• Nws cov neeg rau zaub mov hauv chaw ua liaj ua teb • Thauj Khoom • Tsheb thauj mus los

• Dej & khib Kho • Cov tsev nyob


Qhov ntawm molded frp grating exhibitions:


  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Lwm Yam Khoom